Dear friends,
(This week I'm going to deviate a little from the topic of music. Since our world is still struggling from the effects of Covid-19, I felt it was a good time to talk about hope in trials.)
My wife has been involved with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) now for several years. I was initially hesitant to join, but when BSF started offering classes online through Zoom in 2018, it struck me as something I could attend in the comfort of our home. I had had a lot of experience through my working life attending online meetings with an international audience so it was a perfect fit!
Now, after two years of studying with three different studies, it has been a very worthwhile

Bible Study fellowship offers a different course of study each academic year and now it's expanded to short summertime classes as well.
The course of study alternates between the Old and New Testament each academic term.
When I first began, our study was on the people of the promised land. This involved the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel, and 1st and 2nd Kings with the book of Ruth included.
Our online class was one of the first to also 'pilot' a summer study in the book of Colossians. Thanks to BSF headquarters, we were given the materials and met online every other week during the summer of last year.
Several of my friends asked about the makeup of my group/online class. When I told them that there were attendees from India, Nepal, Australia, Canada and the U.S., they were astounded!
This year the makeup of our group has changed somewhat. We now have people from: Thailand, Haiti, Nepal (He was also in Kabul, Afghanistan for a couple months), Australia, Canada and the United States. There are many different perspectives but One Spirit guides us all!
Having said all this, BSF has sent out a study on the book of James for anyone anywhere to use. This portion of our yearly study is the tailend of the study of Acts. It's been an awesome year of online fellowship and growing in God's word.
I would like to offer it here to anyone who may need encouragement during these unprecedented times. Just click on the picture below to open the PDF.
If you would like more information about Bible Study Fellowship or to create an account, you can do so by clicking here: Bible Study Fellowship International!
May God Bless you today!
*** Update - May 12th, 2020 ***
I would like to share something of encouragement to you. Our church, Dallas Foursquare in beautiful Dallas, Oregon, has been livestreaming our services. We have been recording the worship time on Monday evenings and our Pastor, Darrin Hausler has been adding his sermon during the week.
If you are in need of encouragement, please check it out. The most recent YouTube livestream from Mother's Day is available below.